Thursday, December 2, 2010

Closing Time

Graduation Dinner. It's all been building up to this. It's finally time for me to say: "well, goodbye folks, great knowing you... Stay in facebook touch..." Well, I say that and more.

Graduation Dinner this year was fantastic. Firstly, I have to say a big congratulations to the active graduation dinner committee who put quite a bit of hard work into organising the venue, playlists, liaison with the venue and making slideshows and what not. Fantastic work. It was a night that many considered as memorable, some more, than ball night. After all. This night was ours. Not to be shared with some fifth or sixth formers.

Pre-grad at Nadia's house was awesome. Big thank you for organising that. I love 'the girls' and I can totally imagine the same bunch of us coming back and having our girls' nights except half, slash most of us will be married. Woohoo! Nothing beats a little wine and salmon. Very classy. Taxi van arrived and before we knew it we were stepping into the Crowne Plaza ball room.

Sparkling wine was a nice touch and we mingled a bit, checking out the surroundings before heading instead taking a billion photos. Hahaaa. Very soon dinner was served and we all agree it was a pretty bitchin' meal. Butter chicken and fish and salad. What next?! Dessert was crazy good too. Chocolate mousse could have been a bit more chilly but meh. We had five cakes to pick from!

Shortly, the main 'formal' part of the night began. The awards ceromony. Here's a short run-down of the winners. Apologies for my slightly lame-o handling of the powerpoint btws...

Best Laugh
Hayley Atkinson

Cutest Couple
Eddie Hunter-Higgins and Taylor Evans

Best Hair
Tim Lokes

Life of the Party
Alina Oleinik

Rebel of the Year
Rupert Woodroffe (nice backflip)

Bachelor of the Year
Christian Gower

Bachelorette of the Year
Nina Reutlinger

Number One Legitimacy Award
Kurt Matthes

Great valedictorian speech by the most legit guy of the year can be found on my facebook somewheresss... The the love kick started. The dancing that was. Two or three hours of good, solid dancing that even Lew-Dawg himself got into!!! Good sport. Song of the night was most definitely Dynamite... aka Dale-mite. The song was written for us man! I will always remember jumping around in a crowd of 100 odd sweaty teenagers squished into the space half the size of a small classroom.

The night out after was just insanely tiring and essentially me (and I'm sure many other girls) asking for more pain. Oh but it was worth it. A warm-up trip to Cassette and then an easy take-over of Met and Code cemented the night's awesomeness and well... Left us all mother-bitchin' tired afterwards. I didn't sleep until four which wasn't too bad but man I am feeling it now.

Looking back on all of my blog posts, all 40 of them (what a great rounded number) I am bloody happy I did this. Oh here we go. Me being all proud and high and mighty and what not. I'm over that. I really like how we can look back on the year 'in-the-moment' and you should totz come and visit here occasionally.

Nostalgia is a beautiful thing.

So ends a chapter of my life. Our lives rather. This is my final post. Thanks for reading if you have been reading from the start. Special mention to Mr Edward Hunter-Higgins who never failed to 'like' each blog... and to you... If you're reading right now. It was all for you.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm Beached As.

Today is the 11th of October 2010. Officially the last day of school.

It's such a strange feeling to be top of school, leaving it to a bunch of lame-o sixth formers (jokes, it's been great getting to know a lot of you perpetual sixth formers) and having to move on into a new stage of life. Geez that's corny. Anyway, let's skip that mush and save it for Grad Dinner.

We headed into school for a mid-morning assembly. The last ever (ooo...these 'last evers' are crazy eh?). Good thing no one had to sit on the floor! Ms Lee, Ms Learmonth, Mr Dye and even Mr Lewis all received hearty applause for the final time. Gotta make mention of good ol' McIvor reading the NCEA rules... pulling Keanu up to read them. What a nice touch. At least we were more engaged by Keanu's deadpan. Fantastic effort.

I really enjoyed the present of an Avondale College pin and ribbon. May have been small but I will find that pin and ribbon one day and be happy. Happy. Happy Happy.

What was really on minds however was this...

Piha hang times on the last day of school. Classic combo. Even better when the sixth formers are there stamping a small establishment and then half of seventh form rocks up and acts as if they own the beach... Which, let's face it... we pretty much did ;)

Great summer times. Here we come guys. x

Senior Prizegiving 2010

Again, I am lacking a cool and witty title. However, I will pass on cool titles for a sentimental and meaningful post instead.

Firstly, thank you Alejandro for a beautiful photo! I will frame it and put in on my shelf fo sure!

Jess and I arrived a little bit off 6:30pm and found the lovely Mr Gould fretting over our seats! I was picked to deliver a flower pin-thing to Mr Lewis' wife.

Me: "Ms Sterling? Who's that?"
Gould: "... that's Mr Lewis' wife"
Me: *slightly awkward pause*

The powhiri was intense with one girl in particular (Jana help me out?) who was going so all out! I was scared and impressed. Then to Kevin Glubb's speech... followed by Year 11 prizes. That was niceeee. Well done in particular to Adeel my lovely! Owning up in Drama :) No pressure to do it next year kiddo! ;)

Music performance by the string quartet - a highly professional group whom I have come to really admire and love!

Year 12s. Well done to all of my kids who got prizes! You know who you are. Fat LOL to Zak for sharing the Drama cup with Jess.

After an always excellent performance by Big Band - Mr Lewis' 20 minutes speech. I was told after that the staff bet on how long he takes and then chase up on it at a big staff piss up in F block. LOLLLLZZ.

Year 13 prizes. What a nice surprise! Congratulations to you subject winners and an even bigger one to special prize winners. I won the Moppy Williams Cup for spirit towards Taurewa Camp only to have my first name left out :( Being fixed :) I also won the Phil Raffils Memorial Scholarship. This gave me a handy sum of money which I shan't disclose. Let's just say I bought a camera.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me and helped me to do well academically and through service at Avondale College. To the ones who made it harder for me, thanks too. I appreciate your crap because it only made me strive harder. This will pay off in uni I am hoping?

Oh yes.

Time to use the camera.

Tradition Fulfilled

Today's blog entry will feature the importance of 'tradition fulfilled'. As such, it will have few words and many images. Once again - courtesy of the amazing Jana Nee who throughout the year has never ceased to amaze me. x

Sorting out mock assembly is one of the hardest things you will ever do next to exams - so to whoever tries next year. Best wishes. The worst part is the scrutiny you're under by the teachers and your own peers. The best thing about it is, obviously, seeing it come together. We have camera footage of the whole thing. Let me know if you are indeed organising mock assembly 2011. I will hook you up gee.

Thank you to:
Hayden While - Mr Lewis (the hardest role, might I add)
Jess Ghaemaghamy - Ms Brown (also hard - opening the whole thing)
Andy Long (Mr Hill)
Daniel Young (Mr Dye - a late addition)
Keanu Hargreaves-Clyde (Mr McIvor - classic deadpan. LOL at McIvor making him read the exam notices at the final assembly!)
Guy Mardell (Mr Healey - you were the only one with the accent!)
Jamie Buckley (Healey's shoe and head shiner!)
Jenna Malkin (Sarah Woolley)
Kurt Matthes (Ben Maiava)
Edward Hunter-Higgins (Mr Jamieson)
Kieran Barling (Christina Gower - too sexy)
Courtney Vowles (Moppy)
Steph Glubb (Nicola Thomas)
Akash Anthony (Deelan Patel)
Kevin McMillan (Ash Hulme/audio!)
Monique Simpson (Jana Nee - kia ora!)
Sam Russell (Ms Wynne - last but not *whistle* least)
Nick Rebers (Mr Weeks)
Georgia Harris (Mrs Weeks)
Nicola Thomas (Ms de Vries)
Ellice Giles, Kevin Fong, Dan Liu, Greg Shubel and Anthony Gampell as various teachers

Thanks times a billion for anyone else who helped out and anti-thanks a million the intense island hecklers. Heckling is OK but when you're yelling at the kids "dry!" and stuffsss... That's pretty gay. Especially when you didn't have the guts to do anything even when we gave you chances. Cheers.

Anyway - no use in ranting. After this - oh, oh boy! After this was just sooo much fun! Raving on the field to Taio Cruz, shoulder rides, giant circles, water fights, cricket, gridiron and the streaker. Like I said. Tradition fulfilled. He was all right. Right? Good stuff.

I really cannot believe that it has come to our last day of school. Timetabled day of school rather. I'm not quite ready to give my final blog post and so I will not go all mushy on you yet. Only semi. Like... crushed or the level above crushed...?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hand 'em Over

Oh yes. Prefect Initiations. I'm just going to get right into this.

Firstly, a congratulations - no matter what others say you - future prefect- are important to the school. Life is a pecking order. There will be some people who reeeallly deserved this title. You know who they are. We 2010's know who they are. That's life. You will still have an amazing year and hey! You non-Prefects may even show up some Prefects. Trust me. It happens.

Sorry for the Cambridge kids who didn't have a chance at a proper initiation. There may come a time where you will be called up randomly and we will throw things like water, eggs and life - at you. Your year was the first lot of 'Cambridges' so at least you can combat this problem next year!

Here are a few of my favourite photos taken by Amanda and Jana :)

In backwards order sorry...
Head Boy Ben the Slavedriver
Isabella Wilson. Sexy, sexy make-up
Water boys
Know you all had good fun. Best wishes for next year, kids!

-Prefects 2010

Jazz in the Park

I am seriously running out of cool and witty titles. Ah well, no matter. Still going to update on the hapsss. Today (Friday 5th of November) was the highly successful, highly cool, highly sexy Jazz in the Park.

Sarah and I have been thinking about this for some time. Sarah came up with it... ooo... Must have been like late term two, early term three... We approached our Dep. Prin. and we got it cleared about a week just before.

We got a lot of interesting build up. First of all. We introduced the event at assembly as a Devereux playing simple tunes for the students to guess. That was pretty sweet. Then we get the Jazz Combo saying that Dev hadn't actually told them yet. LOLZZZZ. Alll good. A gig is a gig. Apparently, when a musician complains about a gig... they have it too good. Nothing against you guys - Jazz Combo - you were fantastic.

Although we had been given the mean spiel about wagging or asking teachers for time off, we did it anyway. Sarah and I actually ran around the school searching for favours from the sports department to the drama department to Ms Wynne... Connections peeps.

We managed to get a reeeeaallly long extension cord from BRENDON and hooked that up to the College shop then we were finally in action. We spent some time, spinning around in circles and marvelling at the sun which had finally decided to turn up

Soooo many good shots from the day were taken - thanks to Jana Neeeeeeed you...

I semi-lied. I took those photos... Jana's camera was amazing!

It was a really amazing day and we were totally surprised by how many people really got out there and cranked picnics and pumpkin pasties ;) Even Mrs Kemp, Moppy and her crew were out there with the whole antipasto thing going on. Highly impressive! Great spirit Avondale College. Keep it up for next year mmkay?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sports Dinner 2010

Could have thought of a much cooler title but it's all good. Sports Dinner 2010 marks the beginning of the end. Ugh. Hate to use awful cliches. However, in the words of Steph Glubb: "This is true." Pretty soon it's prize giving and then -

Well it's the end.

Anyway, let's start this off with a nice picture of TeBay holding a golf trophy a teeBay? Geddit? OK...
The 'sports council' gets to spend the whole day preparing which really means sitting in the PAC waiting for orders. Nothing too interesting. Except at about 11am some guys came in to deliver the tables and jugs which... we had already set up. Awkward. More tea? More jugs?

The set up this year was really, really nice thanks to Ms Elijas who did the flower arrangements and had a fantastic table set up like so:

It looked even cooler with the candles lit up at night.

After set up (which ended up being all day long) we gapped home and got changed. When I say we, I say Jess, and when I say "gapped to get changed" I really meant slept for as long as we could leaving us with half an hour to get ready. Not too pressuring to be honest.

We arrived at 6pm-ish and sneaked into the PAC to our reserved seats. This is the first photo taken of the night from iPhone.

How mischievous. A little while later when guests started arriving, we settled down for a welcome speech from the always awesome Kevin Glubb (who DID NOT sign my certificate! Oh sadness). Promptly following was a spit roast dinner. Omnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom. I enjoyed the fact that the jazz combo got their own reserved table at the back this time ;) I eat a lot and felt quite botz eating next to Maggie Bradley... Hey! Gotta make the most of $30.

Anna Scarlett was our guest speaker and probably the best we've had for years. She was super funny and really animated so I am told - I sat in the wings with Monique to deliver flowers and we only heard her voice. She seemed nice. Afterwards, Monique and I sat next to her and told her a story about how we had seen her training at College Rifles once. Now she's coming to watch a game. Oh hooray!

One of the highlights of the prize giving was Mr Shaw for Coach of the Year. Everyone was stoked. This year, it was the 1st XI Girls' Football who made all the noise - a stark contrast to the years prior where boys have been the 'life of the party'. We gave him a standing ovation that I'm sure he absolutely loved. Mad respect.

I would go over the prize winnings but what I'm really writing about is the 'togetherness' we enjoyed. Cheesy but you love it.

Dessert was a selection of Pavlovas, fruit salad and brownies and afterwards, Mr Lewis spoke followed by Ben and Leaper. Ben - your speech making has really come far! So proud of the way your spoke and how you incorporated other peoples memories. That was a nice touch. And Leaper - even hough you ripped the girls' worlds from under their feet again, we love you. Your story straight from junior sport was nostalgia-city and man was it good.

Well done to all sports winner and to all sports players for once thing. Sports really gets people together, competitive, social -

...we're all winners.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Do Not Study

Do Not Study. You will only depress yourself. Do not study you will only feel utmost disappointment. Do not study you will get tired and sore. Do listen to The Beatles. Do go for runs. Do organise 2000 photos into person-by-person categories but for the life of you - DO NOT STUDY.

Really though, how much does it suck to be three weeks away and once again having to semi-fluke, semi wing your way through exams?

Every year we go through the same thought process - "OK, so I semi-screwed myself through procrastination, I am so going to make a study time table like, in term three, man!" Well, nah. Soz. Not me. I do get a round to it. Just not yet. You would think, since it's my last year I would have done so, especially with three schol. subjects to sit.

Also, you'd think, as a *superb student, I would be a good example to all other students. Nah. I'm still human. Still a teenager. All I want is Christmas, food, sun, summer, road trip - more time!

"Here Comes the Sun - Dooodoodoooo"

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Dear Marina,

Thank you for your application(s) for the University's entry level scholarships and awards. Your application(s) has been considered and I am delighted to be able to tell you that the University of Auckland Council has resolved that you receive a University of Auckland Jubilee Award.

Well. There you go. After all of that painstaking effort and ridiculousness I managed to nab myself $2000 p.a for three years.

Now, I can go on about how wonderful and amazingly lucky I am to be one of the 100 out of 600 to win this award but, in honestly. I am only slightly disappointed. Cue the wails of ingratitude.
My intended course of an LLB/BA which will cost me at least $8000 per annum. The $6000 is most likely to be funded by the dreaded student loan. Not to mention course related fees of up to $2500.

But really. I applied for the full University of Auckland scholarship. This would have solved all my life problems and I would have danced away with the fairies of happiness and life. I feel disappointed because I have tried too hard I suppose and fell from my high horse. I feel like despite what I have done this year and in the past five years, I have not stood out enough receive one of the 100 full scholarships. And that makes me feel a little shit. There you go. Honesty. Honestly.

However, this moment shall pass. Sorry if you applied for a scholarship and did not receive it. Failure sucks. Some of us really, really, don't deserve that. I just can't believe no one in our fantastic year got a full scholarship. That sucks. One a year it has been. Not us. That's not fair and it doesn't reflect the awesomeness of our year.

Now to close the sandwich and end on a light note. Isabella is right. My student loan won't be as big as others (sorry, guys) and I will still go to Uni and have a great time. $2000 off a year. It's like going to a 30% off sale. Not amazing but not too bad either. I will appreciate you soon.

Thank you University of Auckland. Gonna own up when I meet you next year.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Ew. What'd I just write as my title? That disgusts me to an extent. Just wanted to write a blog update regarding the two weeks or so we have left at school. Saddens me to the core. On the other hand, can you believe how far we've come?

Really pleased with one thing - managing to get a 'natural' progression to the steps again. It's really nice having a place too cook noodles, soup etc. etc. However, nothing beats the fantastic aura of bodies lying all over the field, summer hang times, people being tackled and scraped to death -

Well done Kevin Fong for a most brilliant catch today - or so I am told. K-Fong wins best sport this year, I tell you... Battle scars all around!

Since last week we have started up our 'Summer Series' which will include more than simply games and sports... Oh you wait and see! All the more for you to stay on the field. Bring music, bring a ball, bring your friends. We, and when I say we, I really mean - the boys - have been delighting spectators with their shinanigans. I am sure that Ben would love to say on behalf of school end-of-year fun, for us to all have a fantastic time and enjoy it as much as we can.

C'mon. If Kevin Fong can tackle someone like Talon... Surely, YOU can too.

See you on the fields!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


NOTE: Blog likely to offend.

Hello and welcome back to school for the last term of your schooling lives.

See, when you're at University, it isn't school anymore. It's tertiary. Defs not school. Nobody went through 13 years of school to spend another 3-5 years at school. How's school? "How's Uni?" I often forget that people are at this so coveted Uni, I call it school. You're there to learn right? School it is.

Annnywaayy... Near pointless, somewhat arrogant statement.

Today Greg referred to me as being a bitch. Ouch. Gee, that really hurt my ego, Greg. Here I am thinking we were buddies. Why blog this? Why put it out to the public, besides for the reason of incriminating Greg? Anger? Disappointment? Notification. Hey, it's still a school blog. Good old school yard bitching eh? Could just be me, in this bitter mood, but lately I have been feeling the bitch.

Let's look at this idea closer. 'The bitch' is a flexible idea. One of my personal definitions is: when you spend too long with a person you notice their downfalls and well, bitch. "Oh, but good friends never do that." Screw it. The good ones love you regardless of yoursometimes bitchy, bitter moods. Let's rather make drama out of nothing. It worked for Shakespeare.

We've only got three weeks left with each other and frankly, I'm pretty tired. Self induced? Possibly. Rewarding? Possibly, to an extent. Tired of doing things to 'make things better' for others when, really, I've been told -I don't have to. Too bad. Already doing it. Soon I can leave all of this behind, laugh, and have a pint in a Uni bar. Hahahahahah! Pint.

I didn't really mean to call this blog 'bitch'. Maybe more, 'self deprecation' or 'get-over-myself'. It is what it is. Here is a pleasant photo of today to remind you that when life throws a bitch at you, screw it, at least someone's happier than you.

I'll unwind when I want to. Hahahahahah! Pint.

Bitch you later, bitches.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm Going Up the Country! to get awaaaay!!! <--- lyrics of a song entitled as so by a teenage sibling band called Kitty, David and Lewis. Youtube them. They're so indie and 'cool'... Here's coming from someone who rarely listens to music.

More pressing matters now...


The following is a blog about this crazy cool trip we had from 22nd - 25th September to the great and mighty Waikato Bay of Islands, the land where early contact was made between Maori and Europeans.

Wednesday, 22nd September
We began on trip on a really lousy Auckland day - Wednesday, following the successful mufti day. My neck was reeeaallly cold and so I must thank my lovely Zak for his scarf. I have many but of course, when someone gives you a scarf - you wear that scarf dammit! Anyway, it was really nice Zakee boy :) The above photo is the before. I must also add this tearful image:

Oh Hannah and Steph. How funny you two are.

It decided to rain intensely on us as we started to pack our bags onto Paul's bus. Lovely driver, Paul. In a mad panic of excitement and raining-on-ness, I hit my arm on the side of the bus so hard a bruise and scrape formed through my jumper. That hard. I know. Irreverent but an important detail at the same time. It's my blog OK?

I sat next to Nadia and we talked for about an hour. Mainly about food at that point. After that we all got tired and she went to sleep with Patrick... in the back seat. Yes. That's right. Unlike Waikato Trip, we had few stops and our first proper stop was Waipu (why not?).

Waipu is known for it's significant Scottish heritage. The Highland Games are held here which we all intend to come and see one day in our lifetimes. The biggest highlight of this town however, as much as we all love museums and history, was the mighty start to our op shop escapades!

Smiling above, you see our 'op shop crew'. From then on, we were united by our love for cheap clothes and 'stylish' jumpers. See our spoils? Oh how wonderful! We endeavoured from then on to beg good ol' Stew-Dawg to let us have 'op shop time' in all small towns that had one. Amazing. I bought a $7 suit and two jumpers for $2 each!

We stopped at Whangerei at about 1pm for lunch. Unfortunately, we didn't get to stop in the bustling city centre so our choices were limited food-wise. Nadia was forced to eat KFC! (OK, she wasn't FORCED but she did anyway...) Sweet Chilli Twister and some wicked wings. All good. That's for you A.

Our next historical stop was just past Kerikeri. Here is where the first stone store is in New Zealand set against an absolutely stunning water inlet/bend of the Kerikeri River. You can see why the Euroeans decided to base themselves there. Totally stunning. Adjacent to it is the mission house, residence of the Kemps built thanks to the chief Hongi Hika's protection. Here's a nice aerial shot. Wowzers.

By 5pm we were all pretty damn tired so we headed back to the Kerikeri township (lots of local game for the boys) and bought some groceries. We had a one hour drive to Paihia where we were booked into the quaint Mayfair Lodge - This was a really nice backpackers that I totally intend to utilise when I go up the country by myself one day :)

We settled in and met the owner whose name I forget - but he is a descendant of a chief whose name I also forget. Anyway, he seemed nice, and we carried on chilling out, buying more groceries from the Countdown - right next door (guts for the stop in Kerikeri), played a bit of pool and cricket and - OH MY GOSH. Met this wicked guy...

Al - who was so drunk he couldn't even pick up a tennis ball directly in front of him. Oh how he made the boys laugh. Peachee.

Dinner that night was nachos which was good or, if you want to take Al's stance: "Nachos are for gays!" Really though, they were pretty good and we have named them the 'Utu special' as we had had them successfully on Waikato trip. Missed Bannister at this point because his were sooo good last time. OK, not that they weren't now... I think we lacked brocolli...

That night we tried to reignite Kingitangi but it really wasn't the same. Instead we all ended up going our seperate ways, playing pool, darts or both. One thing is for sure. On the pool table, it was Team Stewart that took it out and gave great mana to Stew's name. Kia kaha! Poker was good too. Thanks Kev. I lost one dollar. At least Cheerag wasn't there.

Thursday, 23rd September
Woke up somewhat later than everyone else who had gotten up at 7am to go for a swim (Nadia?! Patrick?!) or a bit of an early morning walk. That was fine. Today would be a packed day of walking and listening so we packed on the porridge, cornflakes and scrambled eggs combos and headed off to the ferry.

Russell, aka Korerareka was labelled by Charles Darwin as "the hell hole of the pacific" - now that should not be a reflection on New Zealand as a whole. Before 1840, this was the largest European settlement because whaling was super popular back then. Stories go that here was a place of debauchery, gambling, sex and what not - like Tortuga. Except without the pirates. Or were there...? Anyway, it was actually an amazingly nice place, well, Bay of Islands is nice overall, so it's quite ironic that such a shitty society grew from this gorgeous bay... of islands...

We spent a good ten minutes or so wandering up to the flagpole that Hone Heke (not to be confused with Hongi Hika) cut three times (the fourth was his cousin or something) and another ten minutes wallowing in bliss of clean, well manicured grass. Also we saw the house that was featured in The Bachelor or something. Some people got excited. That was cool.

After reading the tagging on a memorial we started down the hill, walking, running, on others' backs... It was nice.

Later we visited a church of which I cannot remember its significance but I'm sure it had to with being the first of something. Either way it was nice with cushioned pews. One of the major highlights of our time in Russell was of course, op shopping. Good little store just opposite the museum and where the good 'c', I won't say the whole derogative, Troy "Sally" Lunn bought this fantastic outfit.

Wow. I must seriously be going over my photo quota this blog... This was a fantastic opportunity for me to buy a red jumper with similarities to the great red jumper of Elvin *cower in fear*. After this, a few of us stayed and ate bakery food and a few of us went up the Pompallier's house which also doubled as a leather working place. Fascinating. Also gave Sally Lunn an opportunity to model his dress, sorry, moomoo, to the young children in hopes they too would "follow their dreams".

The ferry ride back was nice and I even manage to have a bit of a nap. Following this, we had lunch in the main township. I had a pretty legitimate (as opposed to illegitimate bastard) mixed kebab.

Next stop. The great Treaty grounds! We started with a welcoming and reciprocated with a song we had only just learnt (thank you Jana!) and a small speech by Ervin. Samoan Maori? Hahaha! Our tour guide for the afternoon was the wife of the backpacker owner (the chief) and she was certainly... animated. Seriously, she talked a lot. Not that that was bad, we were just tired. Besides, she knew a lot and it was clear she enjoyed history including nice bits of useless information. I would add a photo of the amazing rolling hills but - photo quota...

By now we were absolutely knackered and by now it is a crime to not have mentioned good ol' Riley's birthday! Happy Birthday Riley! We love him so much that we made, well, Leaper made, a great bruschetta and bought some cake. To top it off, for dinner that night, after the bangers and veges (yummy!) we had the cake with left over ice cream AND fried bread. OMNOMONOMNOMNOMGSH! For the rest of the evening we played our usual games, read Time magazines and had the phatest DMC until 3am. Insane. WOW. Turns out STW-DAWG was raised in Africa! Just like that kid, Peekay in the Power of One. What a life.

Friday, 23rd September
Easy come, easy go. Lies. How hard it was to say good bye to the beautiful Bay of Islands and hello to boring old Auckland. I love Auckland. I could never live in the country, but I will really miss the company and atmosphere of such a beautiful trip.

Breakfast was porridge and baked beans, the usual and packed our bags for one last stop before we headed home.

Ruapekapeka. The 'bat's nest'. One of the largest, most complicated pa sites in New Zealand. It was constructed in 1845 and has the MEANEST tunnel system! We didn't stay long though. It was raining - and Auckland Girls' were there too...

Back on the bus read Scott Pilgrim until I got a headache, then slept, then read again, in that cycle until we reached Warkworth. More opshopping, as you should by now assume, and a hearty lunch. Must add that I purchased a delicate tea set that will be shared out to the history kids during our drinks night. Hannah bought a stunning red teapot which I am fully jealous of. This will be used to pour drinks in a very 'Cassette' way. For lunch, I had a roast pork (is there any other meat?) and sat with 'the history girls' at a trendy cafe that had such a nice array of pastas, calzones, pizzas and quiches and what not. I felt inclined to buy a berry iced tea which was also commendable. If only I could remember the name of the cafe, I would totally link it and recommend it to all passerbys.

On the road again for the final time. We reached Auckland, as promised - safe - and before 3pm. Good. I had work. Gotta say, this trip was a hugely fun and hugely educational trip. I recommend it to anyone who has the chance - 6th formers - and will definitely visit again.

History Trip. Better that Geo Trip.

x - see you at History drinks ;)

Friday, September 24, 2010


That's right. I cut my hair boy-short.. and you thought you were cool. Jokes. On Monday, we found out that we were having the mufti day, protocol and all, so I literally had to make up my mind as to what I was going to dress up as. No option - must dress up. Ideas flew around in 4th period Drama - lounge sets, a wedding party... Harry Potter. This actually does relate to school, kiddos.

Tuesday the 21st of September, what a lovely ol' mufti day! Thanks to Amnesty International. The theme was 'Freedom of Speech' while the Year 13 theme was 'who can make the most outrageous statement?' or as 'Benjimin' Maiava' (there is another underlying joke here...) puts it: "Athletics day, all over again..." Ben has provided a totally hilarious and applicable facebook vlog (video blog) to explain this:

Many 'entries' including the three amigos, Tim the tool man Taylor, Spiderman, Superman... Oh what fun!

Additionally, it was International food day which was a really nice treat. I swear, however, that I spend at least 3/4s of my income on food... Thus... not such a nice treat. Nice Bean soup, Korean Bulgolgi and ermm... the Chinese jelly...

This blog has been written quite some time after these events but no matter, I did go on history trip like the day after (to be blogged). I spent the evening finishing my final scholarship - the Arrow Foundation Scholarship - and packing at about 1am. Swell.

It's 12:17am. No one sleeps any more. I'm tired from History trip, which will be blogged tomorrow... and my neck is cold.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Wooooohooo!!! I've held off the writing of this blog until after for IMPACT. Yeah. IMPACT.

For one moment let me talk about my exams. This is my blog after all...

1. Scholarship English - yeah, why do I submit myself to the writing of MORE essays? Unknown. However, I actually enjoyed writing my three essays... and yes. I actually finished three. Crazy? Wha? Section A was about sadness. Boo hiss. For section B I wrote about my speciality text - Shakespeare - Much Ado cross between Othello via Twelfth Night. Section C was awesome. It was really fun to write about society and feminism and I managed to incorporate Doom into the essay. Ah Doom, what a game.

2. Economics - had this one in smelly ST1. Cold, damp and full of sneezing people. Four papers which seem to be the same level two papers but worth more credits. Sweet deal. Finished with half an hour to spare. Sat there seeing how many words I could make with the alphabet seating letters on the wall. (Admit it, you've played this game...)

3. Classics - better than I expected. I actually failed to study for this whatsoever. Honestly. I skimmed a book and banged it to my head a few times in an attempt to absorb information through osmosis but other than that. Yeah. Fail study. Regardless, I actually managed to finish the exam thanks to my greatly honed 'blagging' skill - thanks Nealie.

4. Drama - super fun as per usual. An Inspector Calls directed by Stephan Daldry was the topic of our 'unfamiliar text'. Really amazing production. It looked like a film. Anyway, for once, I didn't use up all the extra space. Nellie has taught me to be succinct. I will be succinct forever more.

5. History - was funny because I was two sessions behind. I got some decent 'help' from my friends (I get by with a little hep from my friends). Essays were OK. Special mention to Sarah Woolley for having "wildest, most visionary, most impractical scheme" stuck in her head. Amazing Sarah Woolley. Those scholarships are ours OK? <3

6. Scholarship History - quite bearable. Think about it like this: all information is given to you, you just add a teensy bit of your own and proceed to writing a six page article based on a thesis. Not so hard. Like Geo Schol. but cooler. I went there. I respect and love you Geographers. Young Historians has a nicer ring. ;) Special mention to Mr. Edward Hunter-Higgins because he really wants one and right about now is a good place to put him. I feel that sitting behind him allowed me to absorb the 'drag' of his knowledge as it flowed from his brain... Yes. Acknowledged.

For one second I'm going to stop talking about me. It was Ben's birthday on Saturday and this is my photo of the blog. Credits to Jana Nee of course. Happy birthday my brother! Team UF :)

Additionally, have a great rest of the year. So many things to do still. Remember. It's the last set of exams you Year 13s will ever sit. Sadness. Happiness. What the hell?-ness.

Monday, September 6, 2010

One week on... The show buzz hums quietly.

It has been one week since we opened on Broadway and Post Show Depression - PSD has reached a managable state.

Let me start from the top. On Monday - well - that was fully unimaginable. Firstly, the set was mid-way in destruction and Zak and I found out that the Social Science department had skived the set off us to 'brighten up' their new office. Sadness. This meant we could not tear a piece of the city for Jess when she got back.

Other thing - Jess was at Nationals. Happiness - but also sadness. Sarah, Zak and I sat in row J (best seats in the house), in a solemn mood for at the least - twenty minutes. There we sat, singing that sad, sad alto harmony for 'Guys and Dolls'.

We managed to create the perfect analogy for the show. Nellie is the pimp. Every year she hires a new show to entice children. Show then sleeps with all of them - all 53 of them - and has a loving relationship for about two months. It gets really intense during show week - he even gets to meet the friends and family who come to see the kids. It's all amazing and clearly a match made in heaven - until show dumps them all. Show decides to gap it leaving some more hurt than others. Unless of course, you're Anthony Gampell - show misses YOU.

But in all seriousness, show was an amazing time. We worked really hard and dedicated so much of our time and reaped the benefits. I will miss everyone of my show family but I promise to see every single Avondale show for the rest of my life. That's how much I love show. To those of you who came to see the show - you're amazing too. Cast can't do it alone. Technical, orchestra, costumes and YOU. That's right. Audience member, you did a fantastic job. Often the performance of a cast can be hugely lifted by audience response and all nights had a unique vibe in the audience.

The show buzz hums on forever. If you're in the area, pop by into Ms. Nealie's classroom - D10. Check out the left corner to find the 'show buzz' wall. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the novelties you find there :)

"When you see a guy, reach for stars in the sky, you can bet that he's doing it for some doll!"

P.S OLIVER! for next year *fingers crossed*

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Could have thought of a better title but pffft.

Today we hosted a most hilarious event. While all the sporty kids were away, the 'smart' kids got to play. Cranium! We ran two games at the same time. Four on four. Two teachers teams, two Prefects.

Team Prefects A

Team Prefects B
Alex Coxy

Team Teachers A
Mr. Dockery
Ms. Orange (I hope that as her name!)
Ms. Learmonth

Team Teachers B
Ms. Lee
Ms. O'Hara
Ms. De Vries

I can't remember the last teachers on both teacher sides but that's not important :P

Here's the report I wrote up to go on the points table:

Prefects vs. Teachers Cranium

Wow. What can we say? The teachers proved to be quite formidable competition in the latest Prefects vs. Teachers social event.

Oh yes. We cranked creative cat and star performers (obviously) while they rocked data head and worm word (obviously). Lots of laughs had by all and it pains us to say this, but we went down 2-0 in two nail-bitingly close games. We would, however, like to take a moment to say four words. Prefect. Item. Talent. Quest.

Thanks to the prefects and teachers involved - especially the prefects that brought drinks and baked us amazing cupcakes, cookies, brownies and cakes! Omnomnomnomnom!

Coming up next:

Prefects vs. Teachers Singstar/Buzz. (Week One, Term Four)

As this photo proves:

...we had fun. Prefects, you should come play in the next event. If you're not a prefect, well, come watch... Other things coming up: bake-off and soccer. This'll be a fun few weeks.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Angry Post.

A copy of what I posted in anger. Possible due to a depressing day but hey, screw you.

It's a critical analysis of the debate: "Avondale College is becoming a joke."

I didn't sell my soul. Slight sarcasm, kids. All I did was ask and I was given a reasonable response. I get to talk to the heads of the school regularly so I have a different perspective from you guys.

1. We can't park inside the school because there is simply NO SPACE. On top of us, if we were to all park inside, staff get no car parks. Which sure, we expect them to be selfless but they spend a hell of a lot more effort on the school than a lot of us do.

2. It's not that hard to get to school on time. I'm going to sound like a bitch for saying this but - if I can get to school on time on my late nights. You sure as hell can. You know how damn hard I work and I am bloody tired every night but I get up anyway. Yeah, yeah... not everyone is a machine... But that's just something to consider. Also, if you do come late because you're tired just check into the deans. They are actually helpful from my experiences. You just need to have a more positive attitude.

3. Leaving at lunch time/ the 'cool' things that went on in the past. Maybe you should point fingers at the previous generations as opposed to the school. You should know the story of what prior students have done. However, additionally, it's a legal matter. If something happens, the school is in charge. Yes you could debate that, but it's a mess a school as big as ours has to be careful with. All those fatalities in recent years... The heads and deps. were in discussion to make leaving at lunchtime an option by handing over ID cards to prefects on gate duty so we know who's out and in. After getting common space, I soon became disillusioned in the capacity of our year to clean up after themselves. Therefore I stopped pursuing leaving at lunchtime. As much as I love our year, I can't trust you all and some of you simply don't deserve it. You are in high school. SCHOOL. Like it or not you must be looked over. Wanna change the law? Go to law school.

4. I don't agree with the uniform detentions. Should be a reminder not punishment. However, let's not be PC. We're a pretty botz school. Like ethnically. Islanders, Asians and white trash don't wear uniform with pride. You go to an inner city school or a private school... They wear their uniform properly by choice. It's NOT that hard to wear the same clothes over and over again properly.

5. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if you don't stop calling Avondale a "fucking joke" I will continue to get pissed off and write longer defence comments. As little as you think this high school will matter for the future, you need to realise that it's a five year learning experience. Your attitudes and actions now will shape who you are in the future. May as well start learning now.

6. I've had some of the most amazing teachers so I am actually offended when you say "bitchy ass teachers". I know you've had some fantastic ones. You get bad ones and good ones. That's life. Learn from it.

7. The 'image' discussion. You're right. They are trying to make us look good. Discipline doesn't come naturally at a multi-cultural school. They're pretty much artificially trying to make you improve your decision making. "If you can't be trusted to 'behave' on your own, we're gonna have to force it into you..." Is that such a crime. You'll say yeah, but really? Are we that immature that some of us have to be 'forced' into following simple rules? If you can't follow rules you're old enough to leave and have none. Anarchy doesn't work here. Discipline.

Hopefully I explained things for you guys who don't share the same perspective as me. I was annoyed to at the school but I got over it by being a part of the change. In our heads and dep. meetings we discuss this. We stand up for you but you don't for us with the way you act sometimes.

Catch 22 situation. You can't be treated 'as an adult' if you can't even get your uniform, attendance or attitude right. You don't act like an adult if you have to get your uniform, attendance and attitude right. Once again - discipline. You learn it in secondary school and have no problems in tertiary. That's life. Get over it and do a better job at it.

If it's going to leave a bigger impression on you I'm going to say it: MAN THE FUCK UP. Or you sure as hell won't in the future. The students need to look at how they make their own decisions and stop using Avondale as a scapegoat for their personal problems. Rant over. I welcome rebuttal. Cheers.

*Sorry if I offend you or you don't agree but I prefer to stand up for the things I care about than let things slip by the wayside. It's not personal. It's in general.

Roar. Have an excellent week.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Show Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Show BUZZ!

Show BUZZ!!!

And we are all go team. Less than one week to go! I haven't been his excited since Talent Quest 2010; one performance after another. Super fun.

Guys and Dolls, in case you haven't already been given the spiel from me, is about Guys... and about Dolls. Simply put. OK, OK... We've got a guy named Nathan Detroit (aptly played by Zak Enayat), who runs the local crap game, illegally of course. He needs $1000 to secure a spot but he aint got that. Sky Masterson (amazing Ervin Gatoloai) is a high roller who Nathan quickly takes advantage of, betting that he cannot take one Sarah Brown (gorgeous Jessica Channings) to Havana. Sky accepts and love ensues. Nathan also has to worry about his fiancée of fourteen years, Miss Adelaide (sexy, sexy Jess Ghaemaghamy) who wants to get married much to Nathan's chagrin.

Tuesday lunchtimes and Sundays have been so intensely amazing and I just love seeing everyone wearing their sexy shirts. I wish my camera hadn't have broken a few weeks ago because I miss it severely. I need it for this last school show! What to do... what to do... Anyway, so yes. Glad you all enjoy your shirts it was really fun to do and see your faces when you got them. I love smiling people!

It feels a little surreal actually, finally hitting the last week. This Sunday will be our last rehearsal ever! Sadness envelopes my heart. Yet, I am about to burst with excitement! We have a few little things to work on like fully sorting out costume changes, making sure we are all singing our hearts out (properly) and remember those specific dance moves to a pinch but I feel that on a scale of one to ten, ten being ultimate preparation... We are 8/10. We are so getting there!

To you readers who have yet to buy your ticket you can get them all lunchtimes this week and next in C11 or call into the library during school hours: 820 1731. Door sales are preeeetttyyy limited. In fact, I can't remember if we do them at all. We're that cool! But seriously. You want a good seat because we pack out. That's right.

On behalf of the show cast and crew '10,

I love you all a bushel and a peck!


See you there!

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Series of Unfortunate Event - Part II.

Yes, the "event" is not mistake. Welcome, or rather, unwelcome, to part two of the dreaded Series of Unfortunate Events saga. It was bound to happen. I'm realistic.

Brace yourself.

Classics 3.6. Due 9th August, 3:15pm.

Physical Education 3.2. Due 9th August, 3:15pm.

So, I spend all Friday night afterwork typing up my PE assignment, which thank goodness, I wrote from a hard copy draft. That went from 9:30pm-2am? All good. Finished but not printed, because I wanted to proof read it later in the weekend. Botz call.

I spend all of Saturday - day on the first half of analysis on the battle of Issus. It was baby William's first birthday and I simply coudlnt miss that. Mum couldn't miss the Tri-Nations match so I didn't get home until 8:30pm. That's fine. Plenty of time. Spent the whole evening finishing Issus and half of the anaylsis of Gaugamela. Super. That means all I had to on Sunday was finish typing the last two actions and write two conclusions. Easy.

Sunday. Aw hell no. Went to bed at 3am so couldn't go to church, let alone lift a finger. Woke at 10am and went to collect show shirts at 12pm. Show rehearsal was the best so far. Amazing stuffs. Everyone looked great in their show shirts esp. Nellie! <3

Gapped it home and worked on the rest of Gaugamela for an hour. Headed to church at 6:30pm and had cafe duty until 8pm. Home nice and contented with the message of the Rapture. Fitting. The all hell breaks loose.

I sit down to find the monitor in an array of random pixelated lines. What to do? Turn if off by the wall. Always helps, no? Enter Monique Simpson, come to print off her scholarship papers. Crap. Let's check out my monitor. Maybe it's my monitor. *drive* At Monique's we attach my monitor to hers. Everything is all handy-dandy. Swell. What the hell to do now then? Keep switching off from the wall. "No video input". You lying piece of ...lies!

I call the apparent '24/7' line for computer repairs. They can come out first thing in the mornign. Good for you. Decline. Mum reminds me I have a techie cousin. Thanks so much Pall. Moving on from repairing cars... "It's all application".

Turns out my graphics card is screwed which means I can't view the stuff in my hard drive, namely my files, namely my assignments. Pall comes at 10pm and stays until 2:30am trying to replace the graphics card. No can do. The motherboard has carked it too. File recovery is the only option.

So here I am, sitting at 10:58pm, 24hours after the disaster, waiting for my files to be recovered. My "boot recovery" whatever that is, is non-existant making this an arduosly difficult task.

I have come to the realisation that if they do not accept my late assignment, even if I do all the required extension paperwork, it's not the end of the world. I finished the assignment on time, staying up ridiculously late to ensure I finished it. Now, I know what you might say... "blah...start earlier next time." Screw that. I have a life. So does everyone else who's up late at with me.

I'm not stressing. What happens will happen. It's only six credits of my life. I'd much rather be doing something productive instead of sitting thinking that there's nothing I can do.

11:25pm. Nice hot bath.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

iPod Withdrawal Day One

Lost my iPod touch containing my life. If I were an episode of The Simpsons, I'd be that episode where Bart sells his soul to Milhouse. I'm Bart and the piece of paper is my soul slash iPod.

WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO?!?!>?!zxvklsgjbngbnsdjkg

Right. Now that that's slightly over. Hell. I can't believe how disjointed I feel. I've had a rotten day. As the wise Jess Ghaemaghamy says: "how pathetic". She couldn't be anymore right! I am so pathetic to have placed my life on this one stupid piece of technology. BUT IT'S SO HANDY!!!

You know for a person as efficient as me, I am highly notorious for losing things. I went without a phone for half the year... I often disregard my house keys on the assumption someone will be home and I carelessly leave my wallet in cars that are to be taken to the garage. WHAT?! WHY? WHY?!!!

Also, I'm having a flick around facebook. Everyone's iPod's are disappearing. My theory - the Soviet's have just activated a secret signal which causes iPod's to grow legs and run to the Soviet where they will be used for evil deeds. I am so irrational! Save me!

Day one.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Scholarship Blitz

I feel there is no other way I can put this. Applying for scholarships has been a mad blitz.

In assembly today, Ms. Brown spoke to year thirteens (staying behind on account of lackluster attendance) about scholarships. Personally, I began researching mine, I swear, from last year. Sorry if I intimidate you, blog readers, but hey, if it gets you off your arse to find yours, then I'm happy for it.

These are the scholarships I intend to contest for:

University of Auckland (Full) - people like Julia Reynolds and Keagan Sorrell managed to score this one - why can't I? Julia, if you're reading this by some off chance, you are my idol hence my motivation to win this scholarship.

University of Auckland Jubilee - about $2500 p.a. which is alright but wouldn't cover the tuition for my selected courses (BA/LLB). Essentially, it's a back up in case I don't win the full scholarship. Oh wait - I shouldn't set myself up for that! Grrr... *angry, determined face*.

Russell McVeagh Law Scholarship - also about $2500 p.a. and, obviously, ties with the law industry. Super cool. Quite competitive but I have a good feeling. *crosses fingers*

Mike Pero Mortages Foundation Scholarship - up to $5000 one off. One off, but it would be a handy sum for those pesky textbook costs.

Whether you agree with Ms. Brown or not, I'm sure you agree that having a few free thousands is pretty swell. Mind you, you do have to do some work for the money. Dance! Monkey! Dance! Jokes... Filling in applications, printing off achievement reports, continuing your extra curricular activities that add weight to your applications. Oh the pressure!

I thought I would finish on this lovely cartoon I found. Enjoy and good luck!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Post, post basketball.

Kinds regards go to Kurt Matthes for the idea of this title.

I truly wish I could start you off with a nice image as I usually do however I am deeply sorry to report that my camera is broken. Walking along the road, ready and keen to take Epilogue photos (which, please, stop avoiding me, Jana and co. because we will find you and we will hunt you down) when suddenly - drop - depression.

Long story short. No photos of The Last Stand from me. Please refer to Jana Nee for epic team photos or to Tegan Rennie for video footage.

I stayed after school and found myself playing touch in the Halberg with some random guys and their coach. Really fun! Haven't played touch for so long but if I must say so myself - I still got it ;)

One unique thing about Avondale basketball is the atmosphere we create. Having all those banners and posters, I think, is a real boon to us. I mean. Those other schools rock up and get skeed. Shame that they aren't as cool as Ben and scab paper off the art dept. Well done Ben.

Face paint on, I was ready for the night.

The girls played Dio at 6pm and it was a little saddening to see so few supporters for the girls. They're just as hot as the boys! Aren't you Nina? ;) They went down about ten points but it happens to the best of us. Well done girls and good luck for your future games.

Boys. vs. Dilworth. Seriously, these boys were no competition for us! Sorry Dilworth but our boys sassed you! A little sad actually because unlike the last home game I went to (albeit ages and ages ago because of work), I was unable to hear Riley's hilarious taunts! "Hey big boy...", "She fell over!" You inspire me Mr. Riley.

We made up a chant that didn't work - but will work at Nationals when we head over the to the Shore to see a few games later on in the term.

We are Dale,
We never fail,
Between your legs you put your tail,
We we score we wanna wail,

That's right Jack. I memorised it.

Congratulations Mr. Maiava for leading an excellent group of young men. We are proud to call you our boys. See you at Nationals!

...and jokes, here's an image which I will leave you with. Hilarity strikes.

Crotch shot!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Term after Term.

The force is strong in this term...

Term Three already. Oh my - what the hell. This leaves us with, effectively, 14 weeks of school for the rest of our lives... I really cannot believe how fast four years goes.

Anyway, straight into blog-affairs.

On the 15th of July, the heads and deputies went on a little field trip to learn a lesson in team tactics. The only reeeaal thing that must be reported is the great might of the females side. Girl power. Fun times had by all except Ben who got his contact lens knocked out by his own team mate. Boys. Pffft. Over butter chicken and tikki masala we discussed a plethora of ideas and initiatives for the upcoming term.

The biggie for me and Sarah at least, was the opening of the Common Space. Yes, it just became a proper noun with its capital letters. Such is the importance of it. Waiting for three days outside Mr. Lewis' office only to realise he had forgotten why we were there... Good on ya Lewis! Needless to say, he was stoked that we got this issue off his mind and we were stoked that we finally had a nice, warm place to cook our nice, warm noodles.

Common Space has a facebook group that you can join if you're a year thirteen (you would have received an invitation). Discussions and news go here:

Day one, week one of term three was Monique's Birthday which will be specially featured in this school related blog only because she is my wife and I must.



Happy. Day. Birth.

Tuesday's lacrosse training went well, we're getting ready to kick arse at Auckland Champs on the 6th of August.

At show rehearsal we are all getting better. We are starting to get louder and Dev and Nellie seem happy. Just a few times where words are failing. Looking forward to Sunday rehearsal where we try to sing and dance. On top of that, I'm sure we'll all be stoked to see the set! It is nearly finished and Jenks has done a superb job! The best school set I have seen yet!

Wednesday was opening day for the Common Space. Special thank you to Christian and Cheerag for providing balloon money. We love you long time.

Thursday and Friday - two lacrosse games. EGGS and AGGS. Both went down. All that needs to be said.

A big well done must go out to Isabella Wilson and the Amnesty International people for doing an outstanding job with their assembly item, bake sale and photo shoot - all during appalling weather conditions. You are truly awesome.

I was also pleasantly surprised to find myself not rostered on this week at work leaving me a carefree Friday to watch Glee and a sunny weekend to write blogs, run errands, run and fill out scholarship applications.

The week moved by so fast and it was encouraging to see everyone's facebook's status': "Made it through the week with no absences..." Well freakin' done! Repeat that times nine? :)

I am bloody excited to see what this term holds and I really don't want it to be over all too quickly. Needless to say, I'll be waiting patiently for the next holiday. I'll be waiting. Term after term...