Monday, August 30, 2010

Angry Post.

A copy of what I posted in anger. Possible due to a depressing day but hey, screw you.

It's a critical analysis of the debate: "Avondale College is becoming a joke."

I didn't sell my soul. Slight sarcasm, kids. All I did was ask and I was given a reasonable response. I get to talk to the heads of the school regularly so I have a different perspective from you guys.

1. We can't park inside the school because there is simply NO SPACE. On top of us, if we were to all park inside, staff get no car parks. Which sure, we expect them to be selfless but they spend a hell of a lot more effort on the school than a lot of us do.

2. It's not that hard to get to school on time. I'm going to sound like a bitch for saying this but - if I can get to school on time on my late nights. You sure as hell can. You know how damn hard I work and I am bloody tired every night but I get up anyway. Yeah, yeah... not everyone is a machine... But that's just something to consider. Also, if you do come late because you're tired just check into the deans. They are actually helpful from my experiences. You just need to have a more positive attitude.

3. Leaving at lunch time/ the 'cool' things that went on in the past. Maybe you should point fingers at the previous generations as opposed to the school. You should know the story of what prior students have done. However, additionally, it's a legal matter. If something happens, the school is in charge. Yes you could debate that, but it's a mess a school as big as ours has to be careful with. All those fatalities in recent years... The heads and deps. were in discussion to make leaving at lunchtime an option by handing over ID cards to prefects on gate duty so we know who's out and in. After getting common space, I soon became disillusioned in the capacity of our year to clean up after themselves. Therefore I stopped pursuing leaving at lunchtime. As much as I love our year, I can't trust you all and some of you simply don't deserve it. You are in high school. SCHOOL. Like it or not you must be looked over. Wanna change the law? Go to law school.

4. I don't agree with the uniform detentions. Should be a reminder not punishment. However, let's not be PC. We're a pretty botz school. Like ethnically. Islanders, Asians and white trash don't wear uniform with pride. You go to an inner city school or a private school... They wear their uniform properly by choice. It's NOT that hard to wear the same clothes over and over again properly.

5. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if you don't stop calling Avondale a "fucking joke" I will continue to get pissed off and write longer defence comments. As little as you think this high school will matter for the future, you need to realise that it's a five year learning experience. Your attitudes and actions now will shape who you are in the future. May as well start learning now.

6. I've had some of the most amazing teachers so I am actually offended when you say "bitchy ass teachers". I know you've had some fantastic ones. You get bad ones and good ones. That's life. Learn from it.

7. The 'image' discussion. You're right. They are trying to make us look good. Discipline doesn't come naturally at a multi-cultural school. They're pretty much artificially trying to make you improve your decision making. "If you can't be trusted to 'behave' on your own, we're gonna have to force it into you..." Is that such a crime. You'll say yeah, but really? Are we that immature that some of us have to be 'forced' into following simple rules? If you can't follow rules you're old enough to leave and have none. Anarchy doesn't work here. Discipline.

Hopefully I explained things for you guys who don't share the same perspective as me. I was annoyed to at the school but I got over it by being a part of the change. In our heads and dep. meetings we discuss this. We stand up for you but you don't for us with the way you act sometimes.

Catch 22 situation. You can't be treated 'as an adult' if you can't even get your uniform, attendance or attitude right. You don't act like an adult if you have to get your uniform, attendance and attitude right. Once again - discipline. You learn it in secondary school and have no problems in tertiary. That's life. Get over it and do a better job at it.

If it's going to leave a bigger impression on you I'm going to say it: MAN THE FUCK UP. Or you sure as hell won't in the future. The students need to look at how they make their own decisions and stop using Avondale as a scapegoat for their personal problems. Rant over. I welcome rebuttal. Cheers.

*Sorry if I offend you or you don't agree but I prefer to stand up for the things I care about than let things slip by the wayside. It's not personal. It's in general.

Roar. Have an excellent week.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Show Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Show BUZZ!

Show BUZZ!!!

And we are all go team. Less than one week to go! I haven't been his excited since Talent Quest 2010; one performance after another. Super fun.

Guys and Dolls, in case you haven't already been given the spiel from me, is about Guys... and about Dolls. Simply put. OK, OK... We've got a guy named Nathan Detroit (aptly played by Zak Enayat), who runs the local crap game, illegally of course. He needs $1000 to secure a spot but he aint got that. Sky Masterson (amazing Ervin Gatoloai) is a high roller who Nathan quickly takes advantage of, betting that he cannot take one Sarah Brown (gorgeous Jessica Channings) to Havana. Sky accepts and love ensues. Nathan also has to worry about his fiancée of fourteen years, Miss Adelaide (sexy, sexy Jess Ghaemaghamy) who wants to get married much to Nathan's chagrin.

Tuesday lunchtimes and Sundays have been so intensely amazing and I just love seeing everyone wearing their sexy shirts. I wish my camera hadn't have broken a few weeks ago because I miss it severely. I need it for this last school show! What to do... what to do... Anyway, so yes. Glad you all enjoy your shirts it was really fun to do and see your faces when you got them. I love smiling people!

It feels a little surreal actually, finally hitting the last week. This Sunday will be our last rehearsal ever! Sadness envelopes my heart. Yet, I am about to burst with excitement! We have a few little things to work on like fully sorting out costume changes, making sure we are all singing our hearts out (properly) and remember those specific dance moves to a pinch but I feel that on a scale of one to ten, ten being ultimate preparation... We are 8/10. We are so getting there!

To you readers who have yet to buy your ticket you can get them all lunchtimes this week and next in C11 or call into the library during school hours: 820 1731. Door sales are preeeetttyyy limited. In fact, I can't remember if we do them at all. We're that cool! But seriously. You want a good seat because we pack out. That's right.

On behalf of the show cast and crew '10,

I love you all a bushel and a peck!


See you there!

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Series of Unfortunate Event - Part II.

Yes, the "event" is not mistake. Welcome, or rather, unwelcome, to part two of the dreaded Series of Unfortunate Events saga. It was bound to happen. I'm realistic.

Brace yourself.

Classics 3.6. Due 9th August, 3:15pm.

Physical Education 3.2. Due 9th August, 3:15pm.

So, I spend all Friday night afterwork typing up my PE assignment, which thank goodness, I wrote from a hard copy draft. That went from 9:30pm-2am? All good. Finished but not printed, because I wanted to proof read it later in the weekend. Botz call.

I spend all of Saturday - day on the first half of analysis on the battle of Issus. It was baby William's first birthday and I simply coudlnt miss that. Mum couldn't miss the Tri-Nations match so I didn't get home until 8:30pm. That's fine. Plenty of time. Spent the whole evening finishing Issus and half of the anaylsis of Gaugamela. Super. That means all I had to on Sunday was finish typing the last two actions and write two conclusions. Easy.

Sunday. Aw hell no. Went to bed at 3am so couldn't go to church, let alone lift a finger. Woke at 10am and went to collect show shirts at 12pm. Show rehearsal was the best so far. Amazing stuffs. Everyone looked great in their show shirts esp. Nellie! <3

Gapped it home and worked on the rest of Gaugamela for an hour. Headed to church at 6:30pm and had cafe duty until 8pm. Home nice and contented with the message of the Rapture. Fitting. The all hell breaks loose.

I sit down to find the monitor in an array of random pixelated lines. What to do? Turn if off by the wall. Always helps, no? Enter Monique Simpson, come to print off her scholarship papers. Crap. Let's check out my monitor. Maybe it's my monitor. *drive* At Monique's we attach my monitor to hers. Everything is all handy-dandy. Swell. What the hell to do now then? Keep switching off from the wall. "No video input". You lying piece of ...lies!

I call the apparent '24/7' line for computer repairs. They can come out first thing in the mornign. Good for you. Decline. Mum reminds me I have a techie cousin. Thanks so much Pall. Moving on from repairing cars... "It's all application".

Turns out my graphics card is screwed which means I can't view the stuff in my hard drive, namely my files, namely my assignments. Pall comes at 10pm and stays until 2:30am trying to replace the graphics card. No can do. The motherboard has carked it too. File recovery is the only option.

So here I am, sitting at 10:58pm, 24hours after the disaster, waiting for my files to be recovered. My "boot recovery" whatever that is, is non-existant making this an arduosly difficult task.

I have come to the realisation that if they do not accept my late assignment, even if I do all the required extension paperwork, it's not the end of the world. I finished the assignment on time, staying up ridiculously late to ensure I finished it. Now, I know what you might say... "blah...start earlier next time." Screw that. I have a life. So does everyone else who's up late at with me.

I'm not stressing. What happens will happen. It's only six credits of my life. I'd much rather be doing something productive instead of sitting thinking that there's nothing I can do.

11:25pm. Nice hot bath.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

iPod Withdrawal Day One

Lost my iPod touch containing my life. If I were an episode of The Simpsons, I'd be that episode where Bart sells his soul to Milhouse. I'm Bart and the piece of paper is my soul slash iPod.

WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO?!?!>?!zxvklsgjbngbnsdjkg

Right. Now that that's slightly over. Hell. I can't believe how disjointed I feel. I've had a rotten day. As the wise Jess Ghaemaghamy says: "how pathetic". She couldn't be anymore right! I am so pathetic to have placed my life on this one stupid piece of technology. BUT IT'S SO HANDY!!!

You know for a person as efficient as me, I am highly notorious for losing things. I went without a phone for half the year... I often disregard my house keys on the assumption someone will be home and I carelessly leave my wallet in cars that are to be taken to the garage. WHAT?! WHY? WHY?!!!

Also, I'm having a flick around facebook. Everyone's iPod's are disappearing. My theory - the Soviet's have just activated a secret signal which causes iPod's to grow legs and run to the Soviet where they will be used for evil deeds. I am so irrational! Save me!

Day one.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Scholarship Blitz

I feel there is no other way I can put this. Applying for scholarships has been a mad blitz.

In assembly today, Ms. Brown spoke to year thirteens (staying behind on account of lackluster attendance) about scholarships. Personally, I began researching mine, I swear, from last year. Sorry if I intimidate you, blog readers, but hey, if it gets you off your arse to find yours, then I'm happy for it.

These are the scholarships I intend to contest for:

University of Auckland (Full) - people like Julia Reynolds and Keagan Sorrell managed to score this one - why can't I? Julia, if you're reading this by some off chance, you are my idol hence my motivation to win this scholarship.

University of Auckland Jubilee - about $2500 p.a. which is alright but wouldn't cover the tuition for my selected courses (BA/LLB). Essentially, it's a back up in case I don't win the full scholarship. Oh wait - I shouldn't set myself up for that! Grrr... *angry, determined face*.

Russell McVeagh Law Scholarship - also about $2500 p.a. and, obviously, ties with the law industry. Super cool. Quite competitive but I have a good feeling. *crosses fingers*

Mike Pero Mortages Foundation Scholarship - up to $5000 one off. One off, but it would be a handy sum for those pesky textbook costs.

Whether you agree with Ms. Brown or not, I'm sure you agree that having a few free thousands is pretty swell. Mind you, you do have to do some work for the money. Dance! Monkey! Dance! Jokes... Filling in applications, printing off achievement reports, continuing your extra curricular activities that add weight to your applications. Oh the pressure!

I thought I would finish on this lovely cartoon I found. Enjoy and good luck!