Thursday, December 2, 2010

Closing Time

Graduation Dinner. It's all been building up to this. It's finally time for me to say: "well, goodbye folks, great knowing you... Stay in facebook touch..." Well, I say that and more.

Graduation Dinner this year was fantastic. Firstly, I have to say a big congratulations to the active graduation dinner committee who put quite a bit of hard work into organising the venue, playlists, liaison with the venue and making slideshows and what not. Fantastic work. It was a night that many considered as memorable, some more, than ball night. After all. This night was ours. Not to be shared with some fifth or sixth formers.

Pre-grad at Nadia's house was awesome. Big thank you for organising that. I love 'the girls' and I can totally imagine the same bunch of us coming back and having our girls' nights except half, slash most of us will be married. Woohoo! Nothing beats a little wine and salmon. Very classy. Taxi van arrived and before we knew it we were stepping into the Crowne Plaza ball room.

Sparkling wine was a nice touch and we mingled a bit, checking out the surroundings before heading instead taking a billion photos. Hahaaa. Very soon dinner was served and we all agree it was a pretty bitchin' meal. Butter chicken and fish and salad. What next?! Dessert was crazy good too. Chocolate mousse could have been a bit more chilly but meh. We had five cakes to pick from!

Shortly, the main 'formal' part of the night began. The awards ceromony. Here's a short run-down of the winners. Apologies for my slightly lame-o handling of the powerpoint btws...

Best Laugh
Hayley Atkinson

Cutest Couple
Eddie Hunter-Higgins and Taylor Evans

Best Hair
Tim Lokes

Life of the Party
Alina Oleinik

Rebel of the Year
Rupert Woodroffe (nice backflip)

Bachelor of the Year
Christian Gower

Bachelorette of the Year
Nina Reutlinger

Number One Legitimacy Award
Kurt Matthes

Great valedictorian speech by the most legit guy of the year can be found on my facebook somewheresss... The the love kick started. The dancing that was. Two or three hours of good, solid dancing that even Lew-Dawg himself got into!!! Good sport. Song of the night was most definitely Dynamite... aka Dale-mite. The song was written for us man! I will always remember jumping around in a crowd of 100 odd sweaty teenagers squished into the space half the size of a small classroom.

The night out after was just insanely tiring and essentially me (and I'm sure many other girls) asking for more pain. Oh but it was worth it. A warm-up trip to Cassette and then an easy take-over of Met and Code cemented the night's awesomeness and well... Left us all mother-bitchin' tired afterwards. I didn't sleep until four which wasn't too bad but man I am feeling it now.

Looking back on all of my blog posts, all 40 of them (what a great rounded number) I am bloody happy I did this. Oh here we go. Me being all proud and high and mighty and what not. I'm over that. I really like how we can look back on the year 'in-the-moment' and you should totz come and visit here occasionally.

Nostalgia is a beautiful thing.

So ends a chapter of my life. Our lives rather. This is my final post. Thanks for reading if you have been reading from the start. Special mention to Mr Edward Hunter-Higgins who never failed to 'like' each blog... and to you... If you're reading right now. It was all for you.