Friday, October 29, 2010

Sports Dinner 2010

Could have thought of a much cooler title but it's all good. Sports Dinner 2010 marks the beginning of the end. Ugh. Hate to use awful cliches. However, in the words of Steph Glubb: "This is true." Pretty soon it's prize giving and then -

Well it's the end.

Anyway, let's start this off with a nice picture of TeBay holding a golf trophy a teeBay? Geddit? OK...
The 'sports council' gets to spend the whole day preparing which really means sitting in the PAC waiting for orders. Nothing too interesting. Except at about 11am some guys came in to deliver the tables and jugs which... we had already set up. Awkward. More tea? More jugs?

The set up this year was really, really nice thanks to Ms Elijas who did the flower arrangements and had a fantastic table set up like so:

It looked even cooler with the candles lit up at night.

After set up (which ended up being all day long) we gapped home and got changed. When I say we, I say Jess, and when I say "gapped to get changed" I really meant slept for as long as we could leaving us with half an hour to get ready. Not too pressuring to be honest.

We arrived at 6pm-ish and sneaked into the PAC to our reserved seats. This is the first photo taken of the night from iPhone.

How mischievous. A little while later when guests started arriving, we settled down for a welcome speech from the always awesome Kevin Glubb (who DID NOT sign my certificate! Oh sadness). Promptly following was a spit roast dinner. Omnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom. I enjoyed the fact that the jazz combo got their own reserved table at the back this time ;) I eat a lot and felt quite botz eating next to Maggie Bradley... Hey! Gotta make the most of $30.

Anna Scarlett was our guest speaker and probably the best we've had for years. She was super funny and really animated so I am told - I sat in the wings with Monique to deliver flowers and we only heard her voice. She seemed nice. Afterwards, Monique and I sat next to her and told her a story about how we had seen her training at College Rifles once. Now she's coming to watch a game. Oh hooray!

One of the highlights of the prize giving was Mr Shaw for Coach of the Year. Everyone was stoked. This year, it was the 1st XI Girls' Football who made all the noise - a stark contrast to the years prior where boys have been the 'life of the party'. We gave him a standing ovation that I'm sure he absolutely loved. Mad respect.

I would go over the prize winnings but what I'm really writing about is the 'togetherness' we enjoyed. Cheesy but you love it.

Dessert was a selection of Pavlovas, fruit salad and brownies and afterwards, Mr Lewis spoke followed by Ben and Leaper. Ben - your speech making has really come far! So proud of the way your spoke and how you incorporated other peoples memories. That was a nice touch. And Leaper - even hough you ripped the girls' worlds from under their feet again, we love you. Your story straight from junior sport was nostalgia-city and man was it good.

Well done to all sports winner and to all sports players for once thing. Sports really gets people together, competitive, social -

...we're all winners.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Do Not Study

Do Not Study. You will only depress yourself. Do not study you will only feel utmost disappointment. Do not study you will get tired and sore. Do listen to The Beatles. Do go for runs. Do organise 2000 photos into person-by-person categories but for the life of you - DO NOT STUDY.

Really though, how much does it suck to be three weeks away and once again having to semi-fluke, semi wing your way through exams?

Every year we go through the same thought process - "OK, so I semi-screwed myself through procrastination, I am so going to make a study time table like, in term three, man!" Well, nah. Soz. Not me. I do get a round to it. Just not yet. You would think, since it's my last year I would have done so, especially with three schol. subjects to sit.

Also, you'd think, as a *superb student, I would be a good example to all other students. Nah. I'm still human. Still a teenager. All I want is Christmas, food, sun, summer, road trip - more time!

"Here Comes the Sun - Dooodoodoooo"

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Dear Marina,

Thank you for your application(s) for the University's entry level scholarships and awards. Your application(s) has been considered and I am delighted to be able to tell you that the University of Auckland Council has resolved that you receive a University of Auckland Jubilee Award.

Well. There you go. After all of that painstaking effort and ridiculousness I managed to nab myself $2000 p.a for three years.

Now, I can go on about how wonderful and amazingly lucky I am to be one of the 100 out of 600 to win this award but, in honestly. I am only slightly disappointed. Cue the wails of ingratitude.
My intended course of an LLB/BA which will cost me at least $8000 per annum. The $6000 is most likely to be funded by the dreaded student loan. Not to mention course related fees of up to $2500.

But really. I applied for the full University of Auckland scholarship. This would have solved all my life problems and I would have danced away with the fairies of happiness and life. I feel disappointed because I have tried too hard I suppose and fell from my high horse. I feel like despite what I have done this year and in the past five years, I have not stood out enough receive one of the 100 full scholarships. And that makes me feel a little shit. There you go. Honesty. Honestly.

However, this moment shall pass. Sorry if you applied for a scholarship and did not receive it. Failure sucks. Some of us really, really, don't deserve that. I just can't believe no one in our fantastic year got a full scholarship. That sucks. One a year it has been. Not us. That's not fair and it doesn't reflect the awesomeness of our year.

Now to close the sandwich and end on a light note. Isabella is right. My student loan won't be as big as others (sorry, guys) and I will still go to Uni and have a great time. $2000 off a year. It's like going to a 30% off sale. Not amazing but not too bad either. I will appreciate you soon.

Thank you University of Auckland. Gonna own up when I meet you next year.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Ew. What'd I just write as my title? That disgusts me to an extent. Just wanted to write a blog update regarding the two weeks or so we have left at school. Saddens me to the core. On the other hand, can you believe how far we've come?

Really pleased with one thing - managing to get a 'natural' progression to the steps again. It's really nice having a place too cook noodles, soup etc. etc. However, nothing beats the fantastic aura of bodies lying all over the field, summer hang times, people being tackled and scraped to death -

Well done Kevin Fong for a most brilliant catch today - or so I am told. K-Fong wins best sport this year, I tell you... Battle scars all around!

Since last week we have started up our 'Summer Series' which will include more than simply games and sports... Oh you wait and see! All the more for you to stay on the field. Bring music, bring a ball, bring your friends. We, and when I say we, I really mean - the boys - have been delighting spectators with their shinanigans. I am sure that Ben would love to say on behalf of school end-of-year fun, for us to all have a fantastic time and enjoy it as much as we can.

C'mon. If Kevin Fong can tackle someone like Talon... Surely, YOU can too.

See you on the fields!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


NOTE: Blog likely to offend.

Hello and welcome back to school for the last term of your schooling lives.

See, when you're at University, it isn't school anymore. It's tertiary. Defs not school. Nobody went through 13 years of school to spend another 3-5 years at school. How's school? "How's Uni?" I often forget that people are at this so coveted Uni, I call it school. You're there to learn right? School it is.

Annnywaayy... Near pointless, somewhat arrogant statement.

Today Greg referred to me as being a bitch. Ouch. Gee, that really hurt my ego, Greg. Here I am thinking we were buddies. Why blog this? Why put it out to the public, besides for the reason of incriminating Greg? Anger? Disappointment? Notification. Hey, it's still a school blog. Good old school yard bitching eh? Could just be me, in this bitter mood, but lately I have been feeling the bitch.

Let's look at this idea closer. 'The bitch' is a flexible idea. One of my personal definitions is: when you spend too long with a person you notice their downfalls and well, bitch. "Oh, but good friends never do that." Screw it. The good ones love you regardless of yoursometimes bitchy, bitter moods. Let's rather make drama out of nothing. It worked for Shakespeare.

We've only got three weeks left with each other and frankly, I'm pretty tired. Self induced? Possibly. Rewarding? Possibly, to an extent. Tired of doing things to 'make things better' for others when, really, I've been told -I don't have to. Too bad. Already doing it. Soon I can leave all of this behind, laugh, and have a pint in a Uni bar. Hahahahahah! Pint.

I didn't really mean to call this blog 'bitch'. Maybe more, 'self deprecation' or 'get-over-myself'. It is what it is. Here is a pleasant photo of today to remind you that when life throws a bitch at you, screw it, at least someone's happier than you.

I'll unwind when I want to. Hahahahahah! Pint.

Bitch you later, bitches.