Friday, October 29, 2010

Sports Dinner 2010

Could have thought of a much cooler title but it's all good. Sports Dinner 2010 marks the beginning of the end. Ugh. Hate to use awful cliches. However, in the words of Steph Glubb: "This is true." Pretty soon it's prize giving and then -

Well it's the end.

Anyway, let's start this off with a nice picture of TeBay holding a golf trophy a teeBay? Geddit? OK...
The 'sports council' gets to spend the whole day preparing which really means sitting in the PAC waiting for orders. Nothing too interesting. Except at about 11am some guys came in to deliver the tables and jugs which... we had already set up. Awkward. More tea? More jugs?

The set up this year was really, really nice thanks to Ms Elijas who did the flower arrangements and had a fantastic table set up like so:

It looked even cooler with the candles lit up at night.

After set up (which ended up being all day long) we gapped home and got changed. When I say we, I say Jess, and when I say "gapped to get changed" I really meant slept for as long as we could leaving us with half an hour to get ready. Not too pressuring to be honest.

We arrived at 6pm-ish and sneaked into the PAC to our reserved seats. This is the first photo taken of the night from iPhone.

How mischievous. A little while later when guests started arriving, we settled down for a welcome speech from the always awesome Kevin Glubb (who DID NOT sign my certificate! Oh sadness). Promptly following was a spit roast dinner. Omnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom. I enjoyed the fact that the jazz combo got their own reserved table at the back this time ;) I eat a lot and felt quite botz eating next to Maggie Bradley... Hey! Gotta make the most of $30.

Anna Scarlett was our guest speaker and probably the best we've had for years. She was super funny and really animated so I am told - I sat in the wings with Monique to deliver flowers and we only heard her voice. She seemed nice. Afterwards, Monique and I sat next to her and told her a story about how we had seen her training at College Rifles once. Now she's coming to watch a game. Oh hooray!

One of the highlights of the prize giving was Mr Shaw for Coach of the Year. Everyone was stoked. This year, it was the 1st XI Girls' Football who made all the noise - a stark contrast to the years prior where boys have been the 'life of the party'. We gave him a standing ovation that I'm sure he absolutely loved. Mad respect.

I would go over the prize winnings but what I'm really writing about is the 'togetherness' we enjoyed. Cheesy but you love it.

Dessert was a selection of Pavlovas, fruit salad and brownies and afterwards, Mr Lewis spoke followed by Ben and Leaper. Ben - your speech making has really come far! So proud of the way your spoke and how you incorporated other peoples memories. That was a nice touch. And Leaper - even hough you ripped the girls' worlds from under their feet again, we love you. Your story straight from junior sport was nostalgia-city and man was it good.

Well done to all sports winner and to all sports players for once thing. Sports really gets people together, competitive, social -

...we're all winners.

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